Volant Environmental is dedicated to providing comprehensive scientific conservation services. While our primary focus is on the study and preservation of bats and birds, our extensive experience and expertise also encompass a broad range of wildlife, including both small and large mammals as well as various arthropods.

Our commitment to ecological preservation and biodiversity is reflected in the diverse array of services we offer, designed to address the unique needs of different species and ecosystems.

Our Scientific Services:

Bat Surveys:

Our bat surveys are meticulously conducted to assess bat populations and their habitats. This involves using advanced techniques such as acoustic monitoring, roost inspections, and mist netting to gather critical data for conservation planning and management.

Bird Surveys:

We provide thorough bird surveys to monitor avian species, their populations, and habitats. These surveys are essential for understanding bird distribution, breeding patterns, and migration routes, aiding in the development of effective conservation strategies.

Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA):

Our EIAs evaluate the potential effects of proposed developments on the environment. We analyze ecological impacts on flora and fauna, ensuring that projects comply with environmental regulations and mitigate any adverse effects on wildlife.

Biodiversity Surveys:

Volant Environmental conducts comprehensive biodiversity surveys to catalog species diversity within specific areas. These surveys are crucial for identifying critical habitats, guiding conservation efforts, and promoting sustainable land use practices.

Bat Exclusion and Erection of Bat Boxes:

We specialize in humane bat exclusion methods to safely remove bats from buildings while preventing their return. Additionally, we provide and install bat boxes to offer alternative roosting sites, supporting bat conservation and population stability.

Bats as Pest Control:

Leveraging the natural pest control abilities of bats, we promote their role in reducing insect populations, particularly agricultural pests. This eco-friendly approach minimizes the need for chemical pesticides, benefiting both the environment and human health.

Public Talks:

Our team is passionate about raising awareness and educating the public on conservation issues. We offer engaging public talks on various topics related to wildlife conservation, the importance of biodiversity, and practical steps individuals can take to support conservation efforts.

School Presentations:

We believe in nurturing the next generation of conservationists. Our interactive school presentations are designed to inspire and educate students about wildlife, conservation principles, and the role they can play in protecting our natural world.

At Volant Environmental, we are committed to advancing scientific understanding and fostering a culture of conservation. Through our diverse services, we strive to make a significant impact on the preservation of wildlife and their habitats, ensuring a healthier and more sustainable environment for future generations.